It's that Fall time of year! Autumn! The children can tell you exactly why so many people call the season of Autumn "Fall"......It's because the leaves fall from the trees! We have had so much fantastic Fall fun, so far. The Bright-Eyed Bears have been discovering colorful leaves on our playground during recess, collecting them, and looking at them in our Science Center. Yesterday, they enjoyed using fall colors with crayons to make leaf rubbings to go into their Science Journals. They also learned a new poem about the leaves falling from the trees and CRUNCHING beneath our feet. We were all gracefully twirling, zigzagging, and spinning as fast as we could, in dramatic play pretending we were falling leaves.
Two friends "reading" our CRUNCH poem and acting it out!
Five fall leaves hanging from a tree.
One will fall last. Who will it be?
Red fell first, spinning to the ground.
Yellow fell fast, zigzagging down.
Green fell next with a graceful flight.
Orange twirled around with all its might.
Last, the brown leaf joined the bunch.
I stomped that leaf to hear it crunch!
Pattern-making has been a popular learning activity in our classroom. The children are very good at adding to existing and creating their own patterns. We change them on the calendar to follow the seasons, have activities in Centers that allow the children to use manipulatives of all shapes, colors and sizes to create patterns, and notice them in our everyday surroundings.
Bright-Eyed Bears enjoying using rubber objects in the shapes of bats, squirrels, pumpkins and more for pattern-making!
It's fabulously Fall-ish fun!
Sharon Hauser from the SPCA came to visit today as an exciting end to our Pets study. The children were thrilled to welcome her and her SPCA rescued dog, Rusty. They were very attentive and hung on every word Mrs. Hauser said during her story of "Sam the Sad Puppy". In the end, Sam got a home with a family who loved him. He had a bed, good food, and treatment from the Vet. His frown magically turned upside down! The children cheered! To top off the excitement, everyone got to pat Rusty! It was GRRRRREAT!
We Love RUSTY The Dog!
Monday is Apple day! Don't forget to send in a scrumptious apple with your child!!! :) We will graph them (so many different colors and sizes are welcome), hear a story about them, make prints with them, slice them and dice them for tasting, and make apple sauce for a delicious lunch dessert! Yum!
Field Trip Next Week!
Our field trip to First Fruits Hydroponic Farm is on Thursday the 20th. I would love for 1 or 2 volunteers to accompany us. It will be "first come, first serve".
Happy Long Weekend! Mrs. Carson |