Monday is APPLE DAY! Yummy apples for graphing, making prints with, tasting, and cooking! Please send an apple of any kind with your Bright-Eyed Bear on Monday! :)
Thursday is our field trip to First Fruits Hydroponic Farm! I have my two volunteer chaperones. Thank you! The children will really enjoy seeing the fruits of the farmer's labor, just like they see the fruits of theirs in our garden on the playground. Tilling soil, planting, watering, weeding, and watching, is hard work.....But it sure is fun! I think it will be exciting for the children to experience a new way of gardening and making familiar things grow in a special sort of way. The Hydroponic Farmers grow in the air, rather than along the ground. They have a special mixture which is made and put into containers which stack. The plants grow all around the container. This allows for many more fruits of the labor! I'll take lots of pictures to share with you next week. For an even closer look, however, visit the farm. This is a fabulous family trip to Sunday. I bet your child will even be able to show you around! :)
Friday is ATHLETIC CENTER DEDICATION DAY! The children made something special to add to a time capsule that will go into this beautiful new building on campus. What a lucky time it is to be a Charger Athlete! All children will be able to learn, practice, and grow in a state of the art facility! We are all so excited to go inside!
*We have many happy learning activities planned for this week as always! Stay tuned for pictures and stories and fun!
Happy Sunday!
Mrs. Carson