Hello friends.
Your child's 1st semester progress report was mailed on Monday of this week. If you have not yet received the report by mail, please let us know in the ECC office. If you have received the progress report and have any questions and/or concerns that you would like to discuss, please feel free to call or email me.
I would like to thank all of you who have sent in milk/juice/water jugs for our igloo. It is underway and we are hoping it will be a fantastically fun place to "chill" for your child this December and January! We need quite a bit more, so keep sending them in please. :)
We have REALLY been enjoying the WONDERFUL books that were purchased for our class from the Scholastic Book Fair. Thanks sooooo much!!! There is nothing quite like a good book!!! The Bright-Eyed Bears know how to enjoy a good story!
Have a great weekend!