The class as a whole really enjoys picking out rhyming words from songs and stories we share in class. This week they learned a new song called "Five Fast Fishes", and it goes like this:
Five fast fishes swimming down the river.
Five fast fishes swimming down the stream.
Swimming past five floating logs.
Swimming past five croaking frogs.
Floating logs.
Croaking frogs.
Floating logs.
Croaking frogs.
Five fast fishes....fa la la la la.
Every week the children will learn a song which features the focus letter of the week. These songs not only enhance learning the letter sound, but also add music and movement to the mix, with rhyme and rhythm.
The children heard stories, sang songs, charted words with the beginning sound of F, learned the sign of F, how to print it, and so much more this week. Yet, I would have to say that the most fabulous F word of the week was FIELD TRIP!!! Our trip to Crisp Park was really fantastic. Riding on the bus was exciting for the children. It was a short bus trip, with a long line of laughter. We even sang "The Wheels On The Bus" song! The children really enjoyed the company of the parents who were able to join us at the park, as did Mrs. Cummings and myself. Thank you! We can't wait for the next trip. Until then, I know you will be happy to see the smiling faces of our Bright-Eyed Bears enjoying the first! Please click on the thumbnail pictures at the top of the page to see them full-size. Feel free to download the ones you like! :)
As part of our All About Me and My Five Senses Unit, the children learned about their sense of sight this week. They learned about important parts of their eyes; the iris, pupil, and cornea. We talked about and demonstrated how the pupils of the eye grow bigger in the dark in order to allow more light in, and get smaller when bright light flashes into them in order to protect the eye. This discussion was able to lead us into another very important discussion about fears of the dark, and how we just need to let our eyes adjust to see that our bedrooms are just the same in the dark as they are in the light of day. :) It was a really great sharing time! Some other great "sight" activities we have explored so far are using kaleidoscopes, prisms, color paddles, and building with colorful pyramid blocks on a light table. This Friday in Exploring, one of the rooms will be built around continued light table exploration and "The Magic Eye", a magnifying device which will allow the children to see fibers from their clothes, the makeup of their hair, and so much more...MAGNIFIED! Join us if you can on Friday. It's going to be a really exciting morning! We'll begin Exploring at 9:30 am.
Have a great day!
Mrs. Carson