Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bright-Eyed Bears Down to Business!

Routines are being memorized, new jobs are easily and eagerly being accomplished, transitions are being made with little or no fuss, and the enthusiasm is contagious!  The Bright-Eyed Bears have been "beary" bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at getting this "school stuff" down! Now, it's your turn for school! :) Mrs. Cummings and I are really excited about seeing all of you and talking with you tomorrow evening (Thursday) at Back To School Night.  We will have a lot of information for you, and we will walk you through your child's day.  There will be the opportunity to sign up for your Parent/Teacher Conference (on October 6), to volunteer your time in the classroom and during Exploring on Fridays, and so much more.  I will explain our curriculum and classroom philosophy, and you will have the awesome treat of seeing some of your child's fabulous artwork.  It's going to be a night to remember!  See you at 7pm in the Theatre.

The children learned the Shorecrest Motto: At Shorecrest Preparatory School we respect ourselves, each other, and the environment.  Everyday, we recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing a song about the "Flag of America", and recite the motto.  This week we talked about how we can show respect to ourselves, each other, and our school environment.  Here is what the children had to say:
*We listen to our teachers.
*We share everything!
*We listen to each other.
*We take care of our class pets.
*We hug and take care of Chocolate, our Bright-Eyed Bear friend.
*We never hit.
*We are careful with our books.
*We stop, look, and listen so we can get directions.

I say they are BRILLIANT ideas from these BRIGHT-EYED BEARS!!!

Each child agreed that these rules are important, and so they all "signed" a copy of the Shorecrest Motto with their thumbprint, and it is now hanging in our classroom.

This week we also:
*practiced a fire drill
*practiced making alphabet letters with roll-a-dough.  The children rolled "snakes" out of play dough and made lines and curves to form letters on letter mats.
*measured a partner lying down on the carpet using "Big Line" then  "Little Line" to see how many of each was needed to measure their height.
*practiced using the wooden Handwriting Without Tears shapes to form the letters of our names, then printed our names from left to right and top to bottom.
*learned a lot about our tadpole and hermit crab friends.

AND SO MUCH MORE!!! Enjoy the pictures in the gallery.  Just click on a thumbnail to make the picture bigger and to scroll through all of them.

Have a great day!